Parents and school teachers/staff can form a powerful and effective partnership when, rather than viewing each other as adversaries, they join together to advocate for appropriate education and services for a child.
From late March through June 2020, and beginning again in August 2020, when children were home from school, Lisa Nathan, a Parent/Advocate, and Peggy Pisano, a School Psychologist/Advocate, created a series of webcasts called “ProActive Caring - School Exchange” to provide a supportive presence for parents.
Each week they addressed a different topic and discussed how mindfulness might offer strategies for coping with everyday stressors and help build resilience. Each webcast, moderated by Dr. Larry Force, runs for about 30 minutes. Here you will find recordings of those webcasts and copies of the handouts that the speakers prepared to accompany each webcast.
ProActive Caring-School Exchange Webcasts
Week 1 – ProActive Caring – School Exchange
Week 2 – Managing Behavior in a Mindful Way
Week 3 - Combatting Fear and Anxiety: Letting Go of Stress
Week 4 – Living in a Mindful Way, Increasing Sleep, Mindful Eating and Nutrition
Week 5 – How to Be Grateful in These Challenging Times, and Increasing Compassion
Week 6 – Create the World You Want in Your Home: Create Your Sanctuary
Week 7 – Managing Parent/Guardian Anger and Frustration in a Mindful Way
Week 8 – Using Mindful Techniques in Promoting Good Communication Skills
Week 9 – Building Confidence and Self-Esteem, both Internal and External
Week 10 - How to Let Change Happen (dealing with change):
Peacefully and with Intent
Week 11 – The Behavioral and Mindfulness Connection: Awareness
Week 12 – How to Add Mindfulness to Enhance the Summer Experience
Week 13 – How to Bring Mindfulness to Problem Solving
Week 14 - Reflections on the Connections of Behavior and Mindfulness